Megan Garcia celebrates 10 years at CES
How has your role changed since you first started?
My role has not changed much since starting with CES 10 years ago. I think what has changed more than anything is my knowledge of the company, like how things work in different departments and how they directly affect the billing process. When I first started at CES, I was thrown in the deep end with little to no training (an entirely different era of CES). Having to navigate my position in that manner was difficult, but it forced me to look deeper into everything I did, and leading to a stronger understanding of how the company works as a whole, and how my position weaves in and out of all departments.
How do you feel you’ve grown professionally in the last ten years?
I have grown immensely in the decade I have worked for CES. I have developed a more professional attitude with customers, my fellow coworkers, and in stressful situations, which admittedly was difficult for me in the beginning. I learned a lot from Katie Green on how to carry myself professionally. I still struggle at times, being an outspoken and headstrong individual, but I am proud of the person I have grown to be within the company. I take pride in my work and the knowledge that my superiors and co-workers and can rely on me to deal with anything that may arise efficiently, correctly and professionally. I have learned the meaning of teamwork and how to say “I can help you with that” vs “that’s not my job.”
Favorite work-related memory?
Honestly, I think some of my favorite memories are from our old office Christmas parties at the D.A.C. It was always such a good time, dressing up, playing games, dancing, having a few drinks and laughs with my coworkers outside of the hustle and bustle of the workplace environment… Also, sometimes poker ha!
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
I am firmly wrapped around my children; Having three, in all different walks of life (sixteen, seven and one) doesn’t leave time for any hobbies for myself at the moment, aside from ensuring they are making fun/positive core-memories and growing into good humans. I love watching them grow and enjoy life. One day I will find my hobbies again, but for now I am content in giving myself fully to my family. Their childhood is so very short, something that is painfully obvious every year that passes, and I don’t want to miss a single thing. (Although I do have some pretty awesome Kune Kune Pigs on our homestead, even if they care more about eating and having their butts scratched then hanging out with me lol)